This article contains my favourite and most used Neovim keybindings. I'll update the article regularly to add the new ones I discover.
Keybinding |
Description |
Esc |
Enter Normal Mode |
i , I |
Enter Insert Mode (start, start of line) |
a , A |
Enter Insert Mode (after cursor, end of line) |
v |
Enter Visual Mode (character) |
V |
Enter Visual Line Mode |
<C-v> |
Enter Visual Block Mode |
: |
Enter Command Mode |
Keybinding |
Description |
h,j,k,l |
Move left, down, up, right |
w |
Next word |
b |
Previous word |
e |
End of word |
0 |
Start of line |
^ |
First non-whitespace character |
$ |
End of line |
gg |
Go to first line |
G |
Go to last line |
<C-d> |
Scroll down |
<C-u> |
Scroll up |
<C-w>h |
Go to left window |
<C-w>l |
Go to right window |
gd |
Go to definition |
File Operations and Search
Keybinding |
Description |
<leader>ff |
Find files (root dir) |
<leader>fF |
Find files (cwd) |
<leader>sg |
Live grep (root dir) |
<leader>sG |
Live grep (cwd) |
<leader>sw |
Search word (root dir) |
<leader>sW |
Search word (cwd) |
<leader>e |
File explorer (root dir) |
<leader>E |
File explorer (cwd) |
<leader>gf |
File git history (root dir) |
<leader>gF |
File git history (cwd) |
<leader>gg |
Lazygit (root dir) |
<leader>gG |
Lazygit (cwd) |
<leader>ft |
Terminal (root dir) |
<leader>fT |
Terminal (cwd) |
File Management
Keybinding |
Description |
:e filename |
Open file by name |
:w |
Save file |
:w! |
Force save file |
:source % |
Reload current file |
ZZ |
Save & Close Vim |
Buffer/Window Management
Keybinding |
Description |
<leader>, |
Browse/switch buffers |
<leader>| |
Split vertically |
<leader>- |
Split horizontally |
<leader>bd |
Close current buffer |
<leader>bD |
Close buffer and window |
<leader>qq |
Quit all/close all buffers |
<leader>bo |
Close all buffers except current |
:%bd |
Close all buffers |
:%bd! |
Force close all buffers |
Text Operations
Keybinding |
Description |
dd |
Delete current line |
yy |
Copy entire line |
vd |
Delete selected text |
vy |
Yank (copy) selected text |
ggyG |
Copy whole content |
ggdG |
Delete whole content |
u |
Undo |
<C-r> |
Redo |
. |
Repeat Last Command |
Objects and Motions
Keybinding |
Description |
dw |
Delete word |
cw |
Change word |
yiw |
Yank inside word |
ciw |
Change inside word |
diq |
Delete inside quotes |
ca{ |
Change around braces |
ci( |
Change inside parenthesis |
yap |
Yank paragraph |
ct" |
Change To Next " (leaving the " ) |
df| |
Delete to Next | (including the | ) |
LSP/Code Features
Keybinding |
Description |
<leader>cr |
Rename all occurrences |
<leader>cc |
Code actions |
<leader>xx |
Trouble plugin (diagnostics) |
<leader>cd |
Line diagnostics |
<leader>cD |
Buffer diagnostics |
Search and Replace
Keybinding |
Description |
<leader>sr |
Global search and replace |
f<char> |
Find character forward |
F<char> |
Find character backward |
t<char> |
To character forward |
T<char> |
To character backward |
Keybinding |
Description |
<leader>a |
AI functionality |
<leader>aa |
Toggle Copilot Chat sidebar |
<leader>aq |
Quick chat |
<leader>at |
Turn on Avante AI |
UI/Plugin Management
Keybinding |
Description |
<leader>e |
Show file tree |
<leader>l |
Open Lazy plugin manager |
<leader>uC |
Change color theme |
<leader>sk |
Find keymaps |
:Lazy sync |
Sync/reload plugins |
is typically the space bar
means Ctrl + x (hold Control and press x)
means scroll down (Ctrl+d)
means window command prefix (Ctrl+w)
means scroll up (Ctrl+u)
means current working directory
root dir
means project root directory
If you want to start using Neovim, check out my post on getting started with LazyVim, a Neovim setup.
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