Deploy a PostgreSQL Database on Heroku

Heroku Postgres is an SQL database service that allows you to use a relational database such as PostgreSQL on the Heroku platform. The Heroku Postgres service is a great option when you need a hosted database for your projects, MVPs or proofs-of-concept. Heroku has several pricing plans for this service,…

How to Set Environment Variables on Heroku

When deploying an application to Heroku, adding the environment variables in the .env file is not enough. You need to set the environment variables for your application on Heroku. There are two ways to do it, and in this article, you can see both! The environment variables are called config…

Search and Filter Data in React Using Hooks

Searching and filtering data is a common feature in all applications. The users should be able to search for specific things when using an application. In my case, I had to implement this feature recently in a simple React application, and I thought of sharing my solution with you. Context…

I Learn Full Stack Development Again

Even though I had the job title "Full Stack Developer" in all my previous jobs, I was more focused on the Backend. I enjoyed writing server-side code more and I was proficient at it. That was my jam. However, I want to change that and become proficient with…

Mac Terminal Commands I Use Everyday

The Mac terminal is a command-line interface (CLI) that allows users to interact with the operating system through text commands. Using the terminal, users can accomplish the same tasks as when they use the standard graphical user interface (GUI) and even more. One example would be creating a directory from…

Is Node.js Still Relevant and Worth Learning?

In this article, I want to talk about Node.js and, more specifically - if it's still relevant and worth learning. But before going further, let's refresh our minds on Node. In official terms, Node.js is a JavaScript runtime that runs on Chrome's…