2023 In Review: Shitastic

When we plan for the future, we always prepare and hope for the best scenario. We never think about what could go wrong, so we never prepare for that. At the end of each year, we spend our time and energy setting grandiose objectives for the new year. We believe…

Build a Public tRPC API: trpc-openapi vs ts-rest

When we decided to build a public-facing API at Documenso, we had to choose between creating a new application from scratch or using the existing codebase. The first option meant building the API with a technology like Node.js, for example, and launching it under a new, separate domain. The…

Goodbye Chrome… hello, Edge?!

If you search "the most popular browsers" on the internet, you'll see Google Chrome at the top of all lists. And not only is it in the first place, but it's a huge difference between it and the others. In most lists, Chrome has…

Build A Stunning Generative AI App with a React IDE

If you've ever wondered how AI applications generate images from user prompts, you've come to the right place. In this article, you will learn how these tools work by building an AI application to generate images. Create the application We'll start by creating a…

The Only 5 Zsh Plugins You Need

Zsh plugins allow you to customize and improve your Zsh shell experience. They either enhance the appearance of your shell or the functionality. However, if you search for "Zsh plugins" on the internet, you'll encounter a sea of Zsh plugins. How do you know what plugins…

Why I Switched Back From DevRel to Engineering

Developer Relations - well-paid & fancy job that involves lots of traveling, speaking at conferences, interacting with developers regularly, and creating content. What's not to like? Why would anyone go back to coding? You'll see why in this article. A short note on DevRel In the…

Should New Developers Use AI Coding Tools?

AI coding tools like GitHub Copilot, ChatGPT and similar tools took the software development world by storm. Some developers love them, some dismiss them, and the rest are neutral. Personally, I enjoy using them, and I believe they can help developers of all levels, including new developers. However, there are…

Validate Environment Variables With Zod

This article teaches you how to validate environment variables with Zod. Zod is a validation library that enables you to validate your data against a pre-defined schema. The schema defines the type of your data. For instance, if you have the name field and you want to make sure it&…