Get Started with SQL - A Brief Guide

When I started my career in IT in the early 2000s, SQL was one of the most important programming concepts because it was one of the only ways to work with databases and structured data. SQL continues to enjoy a lot of popularity and is a great skill to learn…

Get Started With Ghost on DigitalOcean Droplet

This article will teach you how to install and run a Ghost blog or publication on a DigitalOcean droplet. Pre-requisites: * A domain * DigitalOcean account * Knowledge of working with the terminal 1. Create DigitalOcean account First of all, you need a DigitalOcean account. If you don't have one, you…

Compare Website Screenshots With Node.JS And Puppeteer

In this tutorial, we will build a simple application that takes multiple screenshots of a webpage and detect the differences. But first, why would you want to do that? You might want to test the webpage after you deploy new changes and compare the two versions. Or, perhaps you want…

Developers: The Healthy Content Creation Guide

Content creation is quite popular nowadays, and its popularity continues to rise. As a result, more and more developers plan to start their content creation journey. It's understandable because creating content comes with freedom and many perks. Even for those that are not wildly popular. Some of the…

The Best 10 MySQL GUI Clients for Mac OS X

MySQL is a widely used, open-source relational database management system (RDBMS). It uses Structured Query Language (SQL), a declarative language that enables you to communicate with a relational database and manipulate data. It allows you to store, retrieve, modify, and delete data. MySQL is known for its high performance, flexibility,…

How to Run WordPress Locally on macOS With Docker Compose

WordPress is a free and open-source content management system that you can use to create websites and blogs. In this article, you will learn how to run WordPress on your Mac device with Docker Compose. Docker Installation The first step is to install Docker on your device. If you already…

How to Store a Javascript Array in localStorage

The localStorage enables you to store data in the browser. The data stored is in the form of key/value pairs and it does not expire when you close the browser. It's also important to note that the localStorage only stores strings. That brings us to the theme…