Hygraph + Nuxt.js - Vote Your Favourite Tech Courses

Note: GraphCMS changed to Hygraph. In this tutorial, you are going to build a voting application for tech courses. The voting application allows people to vote courses from tech so people can find quality courses. If you like a course and think it's a quality course, you can…

Learn How To Use MySQL With Node.js And Docker

In this tutorial, you learn how to use a MySQL database in your Node.js project with Docker. You will build a simple application that allows you to collect email addresses from people. The technologies used in this tutorial are as follows: * Node.js * Docker * Express * MySQL Note: If you…

A Beginner's Guide To The File System Module In Node.js

The file system module, or simply fs, allows you to access and interact with the file system on your machine. Using the fs module, you can perform actions such as: * creating files and directories * modifying files and directories * deleting files and directories * reading the content of files and directories This…

Pass Command Line Arguments To Your Node.js App

In this article, you will see how to pass command-line arguments to your Node.js application. You will also learn how to access them. However, before proceeding further, let's start with some basic stuff. To run a Node.js application, you run the following command in your terminal:…

Track Job Applications With Notion API, Node.js and FastifyJS

Notion is a productivity software that allows you to create systems for knowledge management, project management and note-taking. They recently released their API to the public. You can use the API to integrate your Notion data to any application you want. Thus, this article shows you to: * build a Node.…

6 Resources To Learn Vue.js As A Beginner

In this article, I want to show you the six resources I used to learn Vue.js as a complete beginner. Some of the resources are free, whereas some are paid. 1. Vue Mastery Vue Mastery is an online learning platform that produces weekly lessons about Vue, and it has…

Get Started With Vue CLI and UI

In this article, you will learn about the Vue Command Line Interface. Vue CLI allows you to create pre-configured Vue projects. Also, if you prefer graphical user interfaces, you can use the Vue GUI to create and configure your projects. Prerequisites Before following the tutorial, you should have basic knowledge…