14 Best Web Developer Portfolios To Get Inspiration

For web developers, a personal portfolio page is like a resume. Instead of listing your skills on a resume in the traditional way, you can prove your competence with a personal portfolio. When people or potential employers see your portfolio, they can get a glimpse of your skills. Thus, online…

Find Open Source Projects To Contribute As A Beginner

Finding an open-source project to contribute can be a frustrating process. Especially when you are a beginner and all projects look overwhelming. As a result, in this article, you will see a couple of ways and resources to find Open Source projects to contribute. Ways to contribute to a project…

Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs

Do you know you can make money by selling your APIs? Building and selling APIs is a great way to create a new source of passive income. Thus, in this article, you will see how to do that! First, you will create an API from scratch, and then you will…

Create Custom API Endpoints in Nuxt

Did you know you can create custom API endpoints in Nuxt.js? That means you do not have to spin a standalone server. Instead, you can do it straight in your Nuxt application! In this article, you will see how to do it. You will create a simple Express server…

Hygraph + Nuxt.js - Vote Your Favourite Tech Courses

Note: GraphCMS changed to Hygraph. In this tutorial, you are going to build a voting application for tech courses. The voting application allows people to vote courses from tech so people can find quality courses. If you like a course and think it's a quality course, you can…